TFW it’s gonna be a long night 🙃

When you reads the words on the page and you take away the performance of the person who originally spoke them, you take away the power those words have.

What is up, my friend? How was your July 4th?

Over here in the UK I celebrated the end of 14 years of careless, thoughtless, tactless, and unjust policy at the hands of the Tory government. I did it at a house party, in direct contradiction to my age. But it was worth it. Now the hard work of tempering expectations What.

But speaking of long nights, it sounded like the people portrayed in this week’s minute had a very long one. Wow Mark, how do you make these segues work so seamlessly? 😉

So, Wil Williams has been a fixture of the podcasting scene for quite some time now, and they’ve just come out with a new short miniseries that I hope will run in different guises forever and ever.

It’s called The Deposition, and it’s a dramatic reading of an actual deposition of Elon Musk. The details of the case are unimportant – what’s funny is the subtext, the growing relationship between the two lawyers, Musk’s refusal to not act like a 9 year-old, and the editorialising from the performers.

The minute I have for you is from the first full episode. It starts at 9:31 in my copy, and is an exchange between Musk and the lawyer on the other side of the aisle, who’s simply trying to ascertain whether Musk understands why he’s on this Zoom call to begin with.


There’s something fascinating about dramatic readings of the weird stuff people say. I recently watched a TikTok video in which a guy gave a theatre audition style dramatic reading of a recent Trump speech.

When you reads the words on the page and you take away the performance of the person who originally spoke them, you take away the power those words have… if they’re not particularly powerful words to begin with. Maybe that’s what rhetoric is? I don’t know.

Anyway, it’s such an unusual little show. I love the premise and I’m having lots of fun with it. If you can think of a way to work something like this into an episode of your own show, I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

In the meantime, take care you magnificent human.
Chat to you again next week.


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